We took a little road trip over the weekend. Saturday, we left the crib and drove to the San Fransisco bay area. We took two trucks - one containing The Saint That I Am Married To and myself, the other containing my oldest son. Both trucks also contained my son's meager possessions. After 22 2/3 years of living with us, my son has decided to follow his heart and his girlfriend and move away.
The trip itself was uneventful. Despite four stops to move around, we made it in less than 7 hours. No cargo or vehicle issues were noted. I guess the vehicle maintenance done on his truck before leaving paid off.
There wasn't a lot of sightseeing or recreation on the trip, it was pretty much all business. We arrived in the East bay and unloaded the trucks, then drove to a neighboring city where we checked into our hotel. After a bit, my son and his girlfriend drove up and we all had dinner together. We chatted for a while after dinner, then returned to our hotel while the "kids" returned to their apartment. We were all pretty thrashed.
The morning was basically the same, only in reverse. The kid's girlfriend had to be at work at 0800, so we drove down and met at a diner that they like to eat at. Scottie's Diner is in Vallejo and it puts on a great breakfast. We ate and talked, then the girlfriend left for work. We stayed around in the parking lot for a bit talking with my son, then it was time for the Saint and to head back south. Hugs and tears (even from the hard-ass kid) followed, it all ended with a wave as he headed out of the parking lot.
The drive home was uneventful, traffic was fairly light. I-5 through central California is one of the ugliest, boring drives that I make. Light traffic is better - the least amount of time spent on it the better. Our good progress validated the decision to come home on Sunday, the long weekend guaranteed a traffic mess on Monday, one that we wanted to avoid.
The path that my kid has chosen is not one that we would have chosen for him. We would have preferred moving him into a dorm at a State University rather that an apartment with his girlfriend. He, like I, is very independent and has determined what he feels is the best path for him. Though I disagree, I have to respect his choices.
He starts a new gig on Monday, one with full benefits and a fair wage. As he is a big boy now, one that can live with his squeeze 350 mile away from home, he is kind of on his own. I signed the truck over to him, ensured that it was in sound condition and moved him up there. The rest is on him.
Hopefully he will make sound decisions and continue to improve himself and his lot in life. The Saint and I spent 22 years trying to produce a self sufficient productive citizen, we'll see if we succeeded.
I miss him but I have to be honest, some of the petty little B.S. like a messy room and glasses left on the counter I will not.
We are headed back up there in October for a few days and I am looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to leaving a mess in his kitchen.
Thanks for reading,
Arrival video: Three houses burn in Nebraska
2 days ago
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