Friday, July 15, 2011

Irons in the Fire

The K-Bar cleaned up pretty nice,

The flat-head, not so much.

Sometimes, the dragon fights back. Apparently, he has an appetite for fiberglass.

Be safe out there folks.

Thanks for reading,


  1. I've never seen an ax with such long hair before. Regulations in our department keep all ax hair to no longer than an inch.

  2. Please tell me this isn't the equipment from the previous post that two firefighters were endangered to retrieve.

    Please Cap.

    Please tell me they weren't sent back in for $250 worth of hand tools.


  3. I guess that's the "fiber" in fiberglass!

    The Observer

  4. Joe Lowry - Usually, our axes have a buzz-cut for their first year. As their time on the job grows so does their hair. You can see the result.

    BGM - same fire, different equipment. I can assure you that the equipment in question was significantly more costly, though certainly not worth someone getting hurt or worse. From the conversations I've had with people who were there, it sounds like some may have had had a significant emotional event. We're just not used to getting chased out.

    Observer - That's not the kind of fiber you want in your granola either!

    Thanks for the comments.
