Sunday, August 22, 2010

Well, I see you met Moe

I told you he could be crass, he definitely is opinionated. Now you see what I have been dealing with all of my life.

I am still up in the Sierras with #2 son and a friend of his. It is a beautiful part of the country, one which I cherish as a place to go when I need to get away or need emotional and spiritual healing.

Speaking of healing, below are a few pics to put y'all in a happy place after your encounter with Moe.

Bishop Creek - A beautiful place.

The mountain across from our camp. Taken at night with the moon
as the only light source. I love the night up here.

I don't know if Moe is going to post again, he is usually surprised when people don't agree with him. Regardless I'll post again if I can. Til then, take care.

Thanks for reading,
A rested Schmoe


  1. Those are beautiful!! Glad you are getting your rest!

  2. Just awesome! What a peaceful place to be, Joe! rest up and come back a fighting tiger!

  3. Dang, Cap, I can't remember the last time I saw all those speckly things up there in the sky... what are they called again? Stars? I vaguely remember them...

    As for your "guest" blogger, I'd welcome him back any time. Whether or not (primarily not...) I agree with his assessments, it's enjoyable to see others' views when they're not combined with hate-filled, spittle-flinging rhetoric and zealotry. C'mon back, Moe. It was fun having you for a bit.

  4. That second picture is Amazebawls!!! Absolutely Beautiful. I'm glad you enjoyed the time you had.
    More pics would be awesome when you get a chance.

  5. Oh yeah, I could bore you with 600+ images taken over nine days, but then we would all be asleep! I'll filter some in, the beauty of the place has to be shared!

    As for Moe, his thoughts are best taken in small doses. I am going to Kentucky next month, I may have him post once or twice. He really didn't like the experience much, I think he prefers to see the looks on people's faces when he offends them.

    Thanks for commenting.
