Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Grampa Would Just...

...shit if he saw his garden looking like this" I said aloud to myself as I looked at the jungle of weeds.

"You know Dad", #2 son commented "the only reason it looks like this is because he passed away".

I guess you know where I will be spending the next few days off!

Thanks for reading,
A busy Schmoe


  1. Dear Captain Schmoe,
    Wow, that looks like a job, all right.

    More than one way to get a six-pack. Better get a few.

    Ann T.

  2. Oh my do you have your work cut out for you Capt!! All I see when I look at that is potential bugs. And I dont do bugs so gardening is not for me. ;)
    Have fun and it might be kinda theraputic actually!

  3. Not such a bad place to be, Capt!

  4. Wow, all three very perceptive and quite correct.

    It IS quite a job, I am about 1/2 way through and I drank one of his beers after quitting for the day. Though not my brand and not so fresh, I still enjoyed it as it was from him and it was coLd and free.

    I DO have my work cut out for me and there are a few bugs, earwigs mostly. And, it HAS been therapeutic!

    Finally, it isn't such a bad place to be.

    Y'all have a good weekend.
