It's contest time here at Report on Conditions. In celebration of my retirement, I will be giving away my back-up Pelican Products "Big Ed" 4C flashlight. It is used, but only slightly so. It has never seen fire, my primary Big Ed has never let me down so my back up has never been used at work.
It is an awesome light and comes completed with my true name and ID number scrawled on it with magic marker. True desert rat labeling!
The coveted Big Ed will go to the first reader who guesses what agency I actually work for. In the event that no one guesses correctly, the one who guesses the fire protection agency geographically closest to mine will be awarded the prize.
Each reader is allowed one guess and ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 1930 hrs Pacific time on Sept. 4 2011..
Entries must be submitted via the comments section for this post. The winner will be announced in the evening of Sept. 4 and will be announced by a post on this blog. Please include a valid e-mail address in your entry. YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY OTHER WAY THAN TO CONTACT YOU REGARDING SHIPMENT OF YOUR BIG ED. Other parts of your entry/comment may be published in this blog.
If your guess is the winner, I will e-mail you a request for a shipping address. and the prize will go out in a few days.
Here it is folks, a chance to win a piece of Schmoe firefighting history. Use it at work, keep it in your car or keep it as a collectable.
I appreciate your readership and I wish you good luck.
PS Sorry Willie, I gotta exclude you, you know too much.You too Rhett. Statter, I don't know
Thanks for reading, Schmoe
25pix #59
9 hours ago
From an east coast firefighter, congratulations on your retirement, Cap! I gave up a while ago on trying to figure out where you worked. I have definitely appreciated your stories, photography, and insight into the mysterious mind of fire captains, and look forward to reading of your future adventures. Cheers!