The last few weeks have just been dragging. Once the barrier of making the decision was broken and the process started, time, especially while at work, has slowed to a crawl. I have started the process of thinning out the locker full of crap that I have accumulated during my time here. Much will be given away, some tossed, some used and some kept.
A photographic project that I have been working on has required that I visit many of the stations and facilities that we operate. As a result, I have seen some people that I have not seen for quite a while. Many have heard that I was leaving, some not. Some I will not likely see professionally again, maybe a few never at all. I have also met a few people for the first time - at least I don't remember meeting them before.
I am trying to finish a few assignments up before I leave, mainly our assigned fire prevention inspections. I want to have that mess cleaned up before my replacement arrives. I am going to leave him one though, a Jack in the Box restaurant located up the street from the station. It should be in compliance, a piece of cake, and I want to leave it for Turrow as a parting gift.
My boss called the other day. He was visiting the big house and the guys there told him they had heard I was getting cold feet and was thinking of changing my mind. He, being a bull by the horns kind of guy, called my station and got me on the line. He asked if he could put me on speaker phone, a request which I consented to. He then asked me if the cold feet rumor was true. I laughed then asked how that one got started. I could hear the crew of the big house in the background, but no one wanted to answer that one. I assured them that barring some apocalyptic event, I was indeed out at the end of the month. That my friends, is how one dispels rumors!
I have a meeting with the Chief of the department at the end of next week, I need to nail down some details on a new project and clarify my role as dept. photographer after my separation. I anticipate that it will go well, wish me luck - it is a trying time at the K.B.F.P.D. right now.
As write this, the smell of fresh coffee is drifting under the dorm door - a reminder that I need to finish this up and get ready to turn things over to the C shift. I'm starting days off and am burning a vacation day, I would like to start getting ready to move back into my house over the weekend. We'll see.
Thanks as always for reading,
25pix #59
9 hours ago
"...clarify my role as dept. photographer after my separation."
ReplyDeleteThat's exciting news. I was wondering what you, and by extension we your readers, were going to do after you leave.
Well, Wayne I am working on a few things, none of which are finalized. Rest assured however that this endeavor will continue in one form or another after I retire. Thanks for the comment.
ReplyDeleteThat explains your remark on my comment on the taco shack. That is a great job/hobby after you retire. Have a great day.