Last night at about 1800 hrs, I walked out of the back door of the station, climbed in my ride and drove home. For the first time since 1981, I am no longer a firefighter. Trust me I'm OK with it, though it is a little weird.
Thanks to all of the people that helped make my last day a memorable one. Thanks to the members of my crew for putting up with the farewell tour, the phone calls and the chaos that my last cycle brought. Thanks to the members of my agency for the kind words, hugs, calls and visits during my last few days.
Thanks to my East coast brothers Willie "Iron Firemen" Wines, Rhett "The Fire Critic" Fleitz and Dave "Statter 911" Statter for their calls, kind words and advice.
A special thanks to Capt. Lussen from the R.F.D. for his kind offer, one that only "airplane geeks" like us can appreciate.
And finally, thanks to all of you readers for your kind words, support and your readership. You rock!
25pix #59
10 hours ago
What will become of the blog?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, good luck, and thank you for sharing some of your life with the blogosphere!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Schmoe! I've enjoyed following your firefighting blog. Looking forward to following the next stage of your life. Photography sounds like a nice gig.
ReplyDeleteCapt - Best of luck in your retirement and congrats on what sounds like is one well earned.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, well deserved. I've really enjoyed reading your blog, and I'm sure you will keep it interesting down the road with whatever you choose to do with all that time.
rw2 - The blog lives on in a very similar form, though some changes will have to be made. I have too big of an emotional investment in it to let it go.
ReplyDeleteInsomniac Medic, jcollins, Joe Lowry and John - Thanks for the kind words and your readership, they mean a lot. I hope that you will enjoy the slight changes in content that will be coming - I sure can't write about my working day any more!
Thanks agin for the comments.
Congrats, Cap! That's more than enough years to have put in. Enjoy your newfound time with the Saint and the Jeep (in that order, lest there be needless discord), and keep posting. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your retirement. Keep writing and posting your pictures no matter what subject they may be as you are a good writer and an excellent photographer. For now you have earned yourself a well deserved break with a cold beer.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Now enjoy retirement. When/if you start to miss it remember waking up at 0300 for the stubbed toe call. That should cure you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your well earned retirement! Thank you for bringing us your blog, it is always an enjoyment to enjoy your stories as well as your photographs.
ReplyDeleteYYC (Flight) Dispatcher