Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Calling All Cars

I know there are a few coppers that read this blog. Some of them are even from my state or a neighboring state. If you are one of them, do me a favor. If you should happen to see this car (or even one like it) pull it over and find something to cite him for.

I am pretty sure that dropping the f-bomb on your license plate frame isn't against the law, but is it really necessary? I am no prude, I have a pretty profane vocabulary, of which I am usually pretty happy to share. Yet, I really don't want some mommy to have to explain to her little girl what that word is used for. It just ain't right.

I snapped this on the way home from work this morning and it kind of pissed me off. I don't know what he is trying to say, but I just don't think it needs to be expressed in this fashion. So my cop friends, jam this knucklehead up if you should see him. Tell him it's from Schmoe - with love. I owe ya.

Thanks for reading,


  1. Love it! I'll even chip in to raise a " bounty ".

  2. What a jerk. We know I love the f-bomb, but there's a time and place for it. (I think lol)

  3. Dear Capt. Schmoe,
    For me it's not the word, it's the attitude. Driving is a cooperative venture. But he's not. So yeah, screw him over.

    That sense of entitlement--
    Ann T.

  4. Mrs. B! Schmoe is yet again, shocked and appalled! Seriously, I think we all can agree that the f-word is one that little girls should learn from their mothers.

    5400 - A bounty is a good idea, but I should warn you - don't let me keep the money. Vacation time is only a few short months away.

    Peedee - There is a time and a place. Any time or any place that I can look over my shoulder and make sure there aren't any nuns, kids under 14 or my mom standing within earshot.

    Ann T. I agree. Unfortunately, I was too busy driving, balancing a cup of Coffee, shifting (man. trans) and working my camera to notice how cooperative his driving attitude was. I was also hoping he didn't notice me taking his picture. My shrink says I should avoid conflict.

    Thanks everyone for the comments.
