Friday, March 12, 2010

Joseph Schmoe presents: "Real Men of Moron"

Reeall men of morrronnn.

Today we salute you "Mr. Argue With the Prevention Chief at District Wide Training".

Reeall men of morrronnn.

You possess such a superior intellect that you just have to argue insignificant details with the Prevention Chief in front of God and half the district.

"Mr. Argue With the Prevention Chief at District Wide Training"

There's no stopping you. Those trivial bits of inane details just need to be shared, especially if they somehow contradict the Chief.

You are right yeaahhhh!

Heaven help the Chief if he has the nerve to actually disagree with you.

You'll show hiiiimmmm!

And the way you ignore the question "are you sure that you want to get into this now?

Way to hang toooouuughhh yeaaahhh.

Plus all of the other people in the class appreciate the added learning experience and don't mind that you have wasted 20 minutes of the everyone's time.

They just wanna go hoooome!

I wouldn't use the restroom alone now "Mr. Argue With the Prevention Chief at District Wide Training"

You'll get shaaaanked.

And, as smart as you are, you'll certainly enjoy the additional "special assignment" that is sure to come from the Prevention Bureau.

Ooohhh, behavior modification at it's finesssttt.

So here's to you "Mr. Argue With the Prevention Chief at District Wide Training". Now we'll see if you really are trainable, or if we'll have to go through this yet again next training session.

Real Man of Moron brought to you by Joseph Schmoe Brewery, Death Valley, CA. Please Drink Responsibly.


  1. I just snarfed my Cheerios while reading that! Great stuff, thanks.

  2. Dear Captain Schmoe,
    Yup, that's a man of Moron all right. Enough to drive you smack dab into the brewery.

    What's really bad is that they always find it justified. But I have this vision of training the rest of the class to say "Maaaaan of Morrronnn" every time he raises his hand! LOL!

    You're too nice to do it, though, so
    please drink responsibly,
    Ann T.

  3. Oh man, how did I miss this? Just wandering around and am glad I stumbled onto it.... better late than never. Brilliant work, sir. :D
