Friday, July 2, 2010

Fire Captain, Not Grasping The Concept

Thanks for looking,


  1. Looks like the usual Captain's position to me. Work to be done, your feet are up. I can only assume the clipboard is in your other hand?

  2. Is that a beer holder on the wheelbarrow? I know why you are a Capt!

  3. Well Hap, I can only function with a c;ipboard in one hand and a radio in my back pocket.

    Sharp eyes ff/pm! I must add that this was a very difficult shot and it took many many many many takes.

  4. Looks like everything is in order here!
    Way to relax Capt!!

  5. Capt ~ "many many many takes" and might I add, perhaps, "many many many beers" ? :)


  6. Dear Captain Schmoe,
    Not being into lager or from California, I've never seen an orange garnish on a beer. Does it actually add to the experience with flavor, or were you just out of limes?

    Wondering about maraschino cherries next,
    Ann T.

  7. Handcuffed Heart, you might be correct but not too many.

    Ann T. I don't know what happened, but your comment vanished. In response to your question, some beers and ales use citrus in the mix to add flavor and aroma to the product.

    This used to be kind of limited to craft beers, but now even some mass produced whitts, heffs and ales use orange or lemon and are served with a slice to enhance the citrus aroma and flavor.

    My current brew of choice is Drifter Pale Ale from Widmer Brothers Brewery in Portland Oregon. It has an orange component and I enjoy it with a wedge of orange squeezed into the glass before the pour.

    It is not a brew for everyone, several people in my family hate it. That's O.K, it leaves more for me.

    Thanks for the comments

    Heffenweisens can also have
